November 2022
30 November 2022 - 19:24
Fallout 2 sentry bot
Chunky Salsa Rule: A Ghost Person will keep coming back at you until you tear off a limb, remove their head, or disintegrate them outright.
Our only clue is that Dog says that when he bites them, he feels gas pockets going "Fssst!" in their bodies.
Body Horror: According to official sources, the Ghost People are intensely grotesque under their suits.
He gives you the Ghost Hunter perk by telling you this.
Attack Its Weak Point: The base of their necks, according to Dog.
Apocalyptic Log: Search in the right places, and you see how the hazmat suits they wore were useless against the cloud.
Alien Blood: Their blood is fluorescent green, similar to a glowing one ghoul.
Dressed in gas masks and hazmat suits, they guard the resort along with the security holograms.
The mysterious inhabitants of the Sierra Madre.
Om Mig: